Sistema Bolsa de Trabajo
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Pruebe gratis el sistema por 15 dias.
La solucion mas completa y viable, especificamente diseñada para bolsa de trabajo profesional.
Adaptamos el sistema a sus requerimientos particulares.

Versiones | Demo en su pantalla | Prueba gratis | Cotización

Extra benefit:   Cost cuts by improving current procedures. | More benefits
System requeriments:

Get it easy, our HGS-1Gb plan of our webhosting exceeds system requirements.

End user requirements:
  • Google chrome 50 or superior
  • Internet access
  • Mouse, keyboard
  • 800x600 or superior (1024*768 recommended) resolution
  • Windows 7, Ubuntu, Fedora or better

    More information?
  • Please do not hesitate to contact us
  • Take the "test drive" today

    MySQL license?
    * From the moment we are not distributing any MySQL executable, the software remains on a "non-GPL" license and access a GPL MySQL licensed server.

    All brands are property of their respective owners.
    Requisites may change from version to version.
    Dont Bother with requisites, our webhosting server super exceeds this features.

  • Order now: At the order module, or by electronic mail
    Call toll free: 33 3109 4414, International: 52 33 3109 4414, Whatsapp: 521 331 341 4060

    SlySoftware, SlySoftware Puerta de Hierro Business Center, Colonia Puerta de Hierro, Zapopan Jalisco Mexico 45116.
    33 3109 4414 Call toll free, 52 33 3109 4414 International, 521 331 341 4060 WhatsApp
    Se ve mejor con Chrome/Firefox. Informative purposes only, partial or full reproduction by any means is strictly forbidden. All rights reserved 1986-2025, SlySoftware
    SlySoftware | SlyHosting | Sistema Bolsa De Trabajo | Sistema Alquileres | CASClientes