Sistema Bolsa de Trabajo
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Pruebe gratis el sistema por 15 dias.
La solucion mas completa y viable, especificamente diseñada para bolsa de trabajo profesional.
Adaptamos el sistema a sus requerimientos particulares.

Versiones | Demo en su pantalla | Prueba gratis | Cotización

Extra benefit:   Market expansion with subproducts. | More benefits
Ultra fast delivery:
We deliver your new system in only 8 hours (or less)

  • With your logo
  • With your contact information
  • With a link to your current website
  • With additional space to (optionally) host your current website
    * Depending on the purchased version.

  • Companies, job positions, and profiles registry by the users themselves. Get rid of typing thousands of records.
  • Companies, job positions, and profiles registry by your personnel (optional)
  • Optional notification to your staff of signups, and new job positions
  • NEW, instant notification of new job positions at some career or job area
  • Controlled publication of companies, job positions and profiles by the administration
  • Time limited availability of job positions
  • Time limited availability of profiles
  • Time limited availability of companies
  • Job position record expiration notification
  • Profile record expiration notification
  • Company record expiration notification
  • Job positions are renewed by the company itself
  • Profiles are are renewed by the users themselves
  • Tailored to the needs of your university, corporate or institution
  • Security, password protected procedures
  • Password recovery procedure
  • email harvesting for internal announcements
  • Job position hit record, inmediately identify popular job positions
  • Profile hit record, inmediately identify popular profiles
  • Job position bulletin
  • Profile querying levels for companies, unlimited, delayed, limited, supervised
  • Job position querying levels for profiles.
  • Job position querying, by salary, career, benefits, etc.
  • Profile querying by age, career, job position, experience, etc.
  • Optional payment control (for profile or job position)
  • Advertising control panel
  • Individual advertising hit report
  • FAQ control panel, save time to your staff
  • Career control panel, you can narrow or broaden your job positions
  • Total integration to your current website
  • We submit your site to the most popular web search engines
  • Contact module for suggestions, comments, complains

    Additional requeriments? NO PROBLEM!, we can help you and develop new modules under your very particular specs.


    Immediate delivery in the following countries

    Afganistán , Albania , Alemania , Andorra , Angola , Antigua y Barbuda , Arabia Saudita , Argelia , Argentina , Armenia , Australia , Austria , Azerbaiyán , Bahamas , Bangladés , Barbados , Baréin , Bélgica , Belice , Benín , Bielorrusia , Birmania , Bolivia , Bosnia y Herzegovina , Botsuana , Brasil , Brunéi , Bulgaria , Burkina Faso , Burundi , Bután , Cabo Verde , Camboya , Camerún , Canadá , Catar , Chad , Chile , China , Chipre , Ciudad del Vaticano , Colombia , Comoras , Corea del Norte , Corea del Sur , Costa de Marfil , Costa Rica , Croacia , Cuba , Dinamarca , Dominica , Ecuador , Egipto , El Salvador , Emiratos Árabes Unidos , Eritrea , Eslovaquia , Eslovenia , España , Estados Unidos , Estonia , Etiopía , Filipinas , Finlandia , Fiyi , Francia , Gabón , Gambia , Georgia , Ghana , Granada , Grecia , Guatemala , Guyana , Guinea , Guinea ecuatorial , Guinea-Bisáu , Haití , Honduras , Hungría , India , Indonesia , Irak , Irán , Irlanda , Islandia , Islas Marshall , Islas Salomón , Israel , Italia , Jamaica , Japón , Jordania , Kazajistán , Kenia , Kirguistán , Kiribati , Kuwait , Laos , Lesoto , Letonia , Líbano , Liberia , Libia , Liechtenstein , Lituania , Luxemburgo , Madagascar , Malasia , Malaui , Maldivas , Malí , Malta , Marruecos , Mauricio , Mauritania , México , Micronesia , Moldavia , Mónaco , Mongolia , Montenegro , Mozambique , Namibia , Nauru , Nepal , Nicaragua , Níger , Nigeria , Noruega , Nueva Zelanda , Omán , Países Bajos , Pakistán , Palaos , Panamá , Papúa Nueva Guinea , Paraguay , Perú , Polonia , Portugal , Reino Unido , República Centroafricana , República Checa , República de Macedonia , República del Congo , República Democrática del Congo , República Dominicana , República Sudafricana , Ruanda , Rumanía , Rusia , Samoa , San Cristóbal y Nieves , San Marino , San Vicente y las Granadinas , Santa Lucía , Santo Tomé y Príncipe , Senegal , Serbia , Seychelles , Sierra Leona , Singapur , Siria , Somalia , Sri Lanka , Suazilandia , Sudán , Sudán del Sur , Suecia , Suiza , Surinam , Tailandia , Tanzania , Tayikistán , Timor Oriental , Togo , Tonga , Trinidad y Tobago , Túnez , Turkmenistán , Turquía , Tuvalu , Ucrania , Uganda , Uruguay , Uzbekistán , Vanuatu , Venezuela , Vietnam , Yemen , Yibuti , Zambia , Zimbabue

  • Order now: At the order module, or by electronic mail
    Call toll free: 33 3109 4414, International: 52 33 3109 4414, Whatsapp: 521 331 341 4060

    SlySoftware, SlySoftware Puerta de Hierro Business Center, Colonia Puerta de Hierro, Zapopan Jalisco Mexico 45116.
    33 3109 4414 Call toll free, 52 33 3109 4414 International, 521 331 341 4060 WhatsApp
    Se ve mejor con Chrome/Firefox. Informative purposes only, partial or full reproduction by any means is strictly forbidden. All rights reserved 1986-2025, SlySoftware
    SlySoftware | SlyHosting | Sistema Bolsa De Trabajo | Sistema Alquileres | CASClientes